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Harry Potter and the Lust Genie
Harry Potter and the Lust Genie
Harry Potter is on the outs with his house and sleeps in the Room of Requirement where he finds an ancient bottle that belongs to a sexy genie named Desiree {from Danny Phantom}. She wants to grant his every sexual fantasy. How will Harry handle complete sexual power? Will be an epic length. Starts during the Goblet of Fire. Thank you for the support.
920.2K words
Euphoria - A Free Use Universe
Euphoria - A Free Use Universe
April 11th, 2034. The E.S.U. Initiative, a government sanctioned program, is voted in law. Volunteers who enlist in the Elective Sexual Use program have chosen to give themselves freely to their fellow citizens.---A collection of stories from a fictional free use universe, exploring various pairings and scenarios. Explicit gifs within the stories.
8.4K words
Harry Potter and the FreeUse Bar
Harry Potter and the FreeUse Bar
In the wizarding world sex clubs are legal and one of the most popular is Madam Rosmerta's bar. It is the first one students are introduced to. It is open to anyone third year and above. After a small try out process Harry gets a pass into the bar. Inside there are some older women and his classmates who are willing to do anything and everything for his attention. It is a dream come true for Harry and a chance to work out some frustrations.
106.6K words
Freeuse: Tales from Venus
Freeuse: Tales from Venus
Imagine a world where you have the right to have sex with any woman you want. These are stories from an alternate universe colonized Venus where Freeuse is the law of the land. An anthology of imaged with captions showing glimpses of this world. Captions are lighthearted, with no non-con elements. All characters are 18+. All images sources are given.
15.0K words
Futanari World (Rewritten)
Futanari World (Rewritten)
Robin is your everyday, perfectly normal teenage girl. Well, she would be if not for the massive fucking girlcock swinging between her legs. And the fact that she has tits the size of beach balls. And also the fact that she lives in a society of ridiculously horny dickgirls that'll stick their dicks into virtually anything, be it a stranger, a family member, a petgirl, or a fourteen-year-old such as Robin herself. ~ All chapters are now somewhat individually tagged, for your reading pleasure ~
58.2K words
And No One Calls Us To Move On, And No One Forces Down Our Eyes
And No One Calls Us To Move On, And No One Forces Down Our Eyes
Our understanding and approach to sexuality has changed a lot over the last few centuries. Hell, over the last few decades, even.We have broken with many of our cultural taboos in the context of sex. What was unspeakable just a century ago, is commonplace nowadays.People have become willing, proud even, to have one-night stands with people they barely know. To talk about their deepest sexual desires and fantasies openly with their closest friends. To pursue their lust over what is expected of them.But what is considered progressive and sexually blunt nowadays will be considered prude and downright puritan in just a few more decades. In just a few more decades time - with a few more generations - any taboo connected to sexuality will be a thing of the past.Sex will become as mundane as eating, as commonplace as asking for directions from a stranger, as natural as breathing in air. Consent will be a universal given.Everywhere you turn people will be in the throes of pleasure.At home, in public, at the office, at school. Sex will become a complete constant!...Well, probably not. But let's imagine a parallel universe where it is.
11.6K words