I Was Never Good Enough...(Until I Was)
“This place it's...kinda like...it's a safe haven for me.” Kara added, then immediately regretted when the older woman's eyes snapped back to hers with a renewed interest.
“Oh? Do tell.” she purred, swishing her wine around in her glass, holding Kara down with a look alone.
“I-I can't explain it, but...um,” The young hero squirmed in her seat, blushing from the heat of the look she was getting and decided it was definitely time to go, “Just millennial drama. Um, thanks for the water...?”
Kara stood and pushed in her chair politely, “Thanks for the water, Lena. Goodnight or good morning, whichever is right.” with that Kara hurried away from the intimidating woman, unaware of those predatory eyes following her out the door. Lena caught Mike staring longingly at the door and she scowled, eyes briefly flashing yellow before she went back to nursing her wine. Her thoughts centered on the blonde that just ran out of her bar like a bat out of hell.
This is mainly a Supergirl story, but I have borrowed characters from OUAT, and MCU. Be warned, this is also a slow burn.