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A Marriage that Started a Legend
A Marriage that Started a Legend
Arthur Pendragon and Merlin were literally from two different worlds. One is a prince from a great kingdom and the other a common farm boy from the next kingdom over. These two should have never met. But that was before they realized their parents were once friends and arranged the two of them to marry when they reached adulthood. That was before Uther turned on magic and Hunith went on the run with her infant son. Now almost twenty years have passed and these two boys have grown into men. Camelot knights have found Hunith and come to collect her son. Will Merlin survive this new world he has been thrusted into? A peasant among royals, a sorcerer among those that would have him killed if they found out. Can Merlin even begin to hope for happiness when the prince he is forced to marry wants nothing to do with him? Follows canon but with my own arranged marriage spin to it
2.5M words
What I'd Have Done
What I'd Have Done
"I'm not sure what I'd have done.""And I didn't want to put you in that position.” For better or for worse, Arthur knows Merlin's secret. The problem? Merlin doesn't know Arthur knows. This leaves Arthur with a predicament... and an opportunity. A test. Three trials and three opportunities for Merlin to prove he doesn't deserve death. Arthur hopes he will pass them. Maybe then the image of Merlin's golden eyes will stop haunting him. Merlin opened his mouth. A noise unlike any sound Arthur had ever heard escaped from it. Loud and rumbling and guttural, inhuman, and in no way, shape, or form could actually be coming from his manservant. But it was. And Merlin was speaking. "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! Erkheo!" For a minute, there was complete silence—a silence in which Arthur just stared from behind a tree in an incomprehensive daze. But then there was a sound. Both loud and forceful and... familiar. The sound of flapping wings. AKA an in-depth character study of Arthur. I do not endorse Arthur's actions, but this is what I think he'd do in canon. This was my season 3 prediction!
119.2K words
Uther finds Merlin in an indecent state on top of his son's bed.
1.0K words
no. Just.....no
no. Just.....no
Merlin would have expected his magic would be revealed in some epic life or death scenario.Not for something so mundane. “You know what. Yes. I do confess I have magic.”, Merlin said. And suddenly the room was silent. Honestly, why were they surprised? He was just condemned to death for sorcery.[...]"No. Gaius didn't know.. [....] In fact, I've been very careful hiding my secret from all of you. [...]Which is why this is the stupidest thing I have EVER heard!”, Merlin shook of the knights hand, as he stepped forward to the king. Like a mad man. To be fair, he was a little mad. “Burned... for heating tea.”, Merlin shook his head.[...] "How fucked up is that?!" Alternatively: what if Merlin was actually condemned to be executed but just decided to -not let them do that.
7.6K words
A Beacon In The Dark
A Beacon In The Dark
In a society where people with magic are persecuted, Arthur is a lawyer who takes on a prominent murder case. The suspect is a sorcerer: Merlin, Arthur's former childhood friend, who vanished at sixteen when his magic was discovered. Now, ten years later, Merlin is a prostitute, and Arthur has to solve more than Merlin's secrets to save the man he still loves from execution. A story about two friends, who after losing their hope, their innocence and their way, finally find each other again. Written for Paper Legends 2013 by ZairaA - with Art by crimsonswirls
96.3K words
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
Arthur Pendragon and Merlin were literally from two different worlds. One is a prince from a great kingdom and the other a common farm boy from the next kingdom over. These two should have never met. But that was before they realized their parents were once friends and arranged the two of them to marry when they reached adulthood. That was before Uther turned on magic and Hunith went on the run with her infant son. Now, twenty years have passed and the Prince, Arthur Pendragon is far out of his depth. After four months of marriage and learning what he has about Merlin, he knows that things need to change, but doesn’t know what can be done. And with every attempt at trying going wrong, with mysterious boys showing up wanting to be a knight, strange physician’s trying to coerce his consort away, even stranger ladies who’ve seen to weaken Arthur’s brain, and the arrival of an odd Druid boy they need to risk it all just to get to safety…will Arthur ever get things to go right?
901.6K words
You're Mine
You're Mine
Uther has been obsessed with Merlin for months and now he's finally getting a night with Merlin, although the feeling isn't mutual. After the first initial night, the King has some news to share with Merlin that will change the rest of his life.
20.6K words
Between the Dusk and the Dawn
Between the Dusk and the Dawn
When Arthur is sixteen his father deems him ready to lead the knights on his first mission, which is to take care of a druid camp that has sprung up within the borders of Camelot. In the midst of chaos and bloodshed that leaves Arthur guilt-ridden, he manages to save one boy whom he swears to protect at any cost. Over the years Merlin becomes so much more than Arthur's redemption, but is Arthur ready to accept their shared destiny, his own feelings for the younger boy and the chance for love Merlin is offering him? (underage tag for Merlin being 16 - Arthur is 21)
55.7K words
 ascension rates
ascension rates
Faced with the harsh reality of another attack on his father, Arthur sets out to complete the Rites of Ascension alone and unaided, but, as he and Merlin discover, he was never meant to succeed alone.
65.7K words
It's 1910 and The Daily Mirror, one of Englands biggest newspapers, is hosting a spectacular event: The First International Air Race from London to Paris! Among the aviation pioneers fighting to win are the young Lord Arthur Pendragon, son of the man sponsering the race, and Merlin Emrys, a poor but enthusiastic sod from Arizona. The two men could not be more different, and they clash immediately, but they have more in common than they realise. One thing is the passion for flying. The other is a passion of a different nature all together. Before they can see who's the better man though, they have to overcome misuderstandings, sabotage, assault and their own pride. And Morgana is not really helping - even if she might disagree. - With amazing art by crimsonswirls - NEW: More art added!
29.6K words
"I'm busy."
"I'm busy."
This is a gift to a friend. She wanted her OC and Brynjolf, with some rough play and toys, but not 'too rough'. I did my best. It's basically just smut. She loves it, that's what matters.
3.6K words
Gwaine, South of the Border -By rachelautumn
Gwaine, South of the Border -By rachelautumn
After losing his boyfriend to another man, all Arthur Pendragon wants to do is run and hide. He runs all the way to Mexico, where he is kidnapped by an attractive bandit and learns that sometimes you have to lose to win.
43.3K words
Stop Watching
Stop Watching
Contraint et forcé de se renier lui-même par un père dominateur qui refuse d’être embarrassé par la moindre rumeur que son fils est gay, Arthur a abandonné tout ce qu’il désirait dans la vie afin de vivre en paix – aussi fragile soit-elle – avec Uther. Arthur Pendragon, ancien médaillé olympique, est le coach à succès et apprécié de l’équipe d’athlétisme de Camelot High, nombre de ses élèves étant entrés dans l’équipe nationale. Pendant des années, il a été courtisé afin de rejoindre les équipes de coaching d’universités de l’Ivy League, de l’équipe nationale, de l’équipe olympique, mais à la place de sauter sur les opportunités qui se présentent devant lui, Arthur garde la tête basse et reste à Camelot, par responsabilité envers ses élèves, par devoir envers l’école, et un peu, un tout petit peu, par peur. C’est le premier jour de l’année et un nouveau coureur rejoint l’équipe d’Arthur – un terminale transféré d’Ealdor High. Merlin Emrys est ouvertement gay, incroyablement amical, immédiatement populaire et remarquablement persistent. Et Merlin a deux buts dans la vie : les Jeux Olympiques et Arthur.
56.8K words