Rhaenyra never expected the sight that would greet her when she entered her father's chambers that night, just like no one expected the events that would follow.
In which a girl was favored by her gods, and the fate of the world was changed because of it.
what if Baelon Targaryen never died of a burst belly? Otto Hightower was never given the power he so desperately craved. Viserys was not thrown to the crown, ruining his relationship with his family and risking his wife for a son. Daemon never had to marry Rhea Royce.This story is what would have happened if Baelon had survived and never created the Great Council to decide King Jaehaerys' I heir.a daemyra fic <3
The Lord of Light willed it so that Stannis Baratheon may never have a male heir.
But in two marriages -- one to his beloved from House Vaeleris, and another to a religious zealot of House Florent -- two daughters were born. Unlike a son, they would never be able to rule Dragonstone in the way the laws of men dictate.
His eldest, Rhaena Baratheon, would need to marry and Stannis determined there were no men more honourable than those of House Stark.