

9 관련 내용
즐겨찾기 태그
The Heat of the Wolf
The Heat of the Wolf
Packless and going into his first heat, Merlin is afraid. Unwilling to be taken by stray alphas, he plans to hole up in his small flat until it's over. He thinks he's being careful, but he is wrong. Arthur is the alpha of a centuries-old were pack living deep in the forest. Omegas are the only breeders and very rare, and this is making many were packs desperate. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters--they all belong to BBC, Shine, and long-ago legends. I make no profit from this endeavor.
87.8K 단어
호의의 교환 (또는 아서가 문에 성기를 끼이는 에피소드)
호의의 교환 (또는 아서가 문에 성기를 끼이는 에피소드)
멀린이 곤경에 처한 낯선 사람을 도와준 후, 전 애인을 질투나게 하려고 그에게 하룻밤 동안 남자친구인 척 해달라고 부탁합니다.
9.0K 단어
If there's anything Arthur likes as much as Merlin's cunt, it's his scent. Sort of sequel to Arthur makes Merlin Squirt!
6.4K 단어
The Heart of the Wolf
The Heart of the Wolf
Part 2 in a series. The Pendragon Pack heads West to where Cenred's family owns a ranch in hopes to find a safe place to raise their pups.Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They belong to Shine, BBC, and legend. I do not make any profit from this endeavor; it is solely for entertainment purposes.
145.3K 단어
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
Arthur Pendragon and Merlin were literally from two different worlds. One is a prince from a great kingdom and the other a common farm boy from the next kingdom over. These two should have never met. But that was before they realized their parents were once friends and arranged the two of them to marry when they reached adulthood. That was before Uther turned on magic and Hunith went on the run with her infant son. Now, twenty years have passed and the Prince, Arthur Pendragon is far out of his depth. After four months of marriage and learning what he has about Merlin, he knows that things need to change, but doesn’t know what can be done. And with every attempt at trying going wrong, with mysterious boys showing up wanting to be a knight, strange physician’s trying to coerce his consort away, even stranger ladies who’ve seen to weaken Arthur’s brain, and the arrival of an odd Druid boy they need to risk it all just to get to safety…will Arthur ever get things to go right?
901.6K 단어
Mother Dearest
Mother Dearest
Arthur is an Alpha. His mother, Merlin, an Omega. His father left them, meaning that just about anyone can waltz in and claim Merlin. Arthur couldn't do anything about it before—he had to watch Alpha men, sometimes multiple them at the same time, drag his mother away for some 'fun'. But now, Arthur is big and strong and he won't let anything happen to him.
9.0K 단어
Two Hearts
Two Hearts
Fix-it fic, starting with episode 5x09, "With All My Heart," through the end of the series.
95.2K 단어
Stop Watching
Stop Watching
Contraint et forcé de se renier lui-même par un père dominateur qui refuse d’être embarrassé par la moindre rumeur que son fils est gay, Arthur a abandonné tout ce qu’il désirait dans la vie afin de vivre en paix – aussi fragile soit-elle – avec Uther. Arthur Pendragon, ancien médaillé olympique, est le coach à succès et apprécié de l’équipe d’athlétisme de Camelot High, nombre de ses élèves étant entrés dans l’équipe nationale. Pendant des années, il a été courtisé afin de rejoindre les équipes de coaching d’universités de l’Ivy League, de l’équipe nationale, de l’équipe olympique, mais à la place de sauter sur les opportunités qui se présentent devant lui, Arthur garde la tête basse et reste à Camelot, par responsabilité envers ses élèves, par devoir envers l’école, et un peu, un tout petit peu, par peur. C’est le premier jour de l’année et un nouveau coureur rejoint l’équipe d’Arthur – un terminale transféré d’Ealdor High. Merlin Emrys est ouvertement gay, incroyablement amical, immédiatement populaire et remarquablement persistent. Et Merlin a deux buts dans la vie : les Jeux Olympiques et Arthur.
56.8K 단어
Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions
When Morgana came to Mordred asking him to pretend to be her boyfriend for Uther's birthday celebration, Mordred agreed. However, if he was going to go along with this ridiculous plan, he figured they'd have to learn a bit more about each other first.
5.5K 단어