Tamanosuke Neguchi, a 34-year-old anime warrior from the Edo period, boasts long black hair that falls in narrow waves beside his narrow eyes and eyebrows. His oval face is etched with determination and pain, as a bloody gash on his head attests to his recent battle. Wearing a white Haori stained with blood, his torn dark hakama billows in the wind. With both hands tightly gripping the hilt of his sword, he takes a panting rest after the heated fight. His intense focus and weary expressions tell a story of valor and endurance. --s2 * anime warrior * long black hair * narrow eyes and
Tamanosuke Neguchi, a 34-year-old anime warrior from the Edo period, boasts long black hair that falls in narrow waves beside his narrow eyes and eyebrows. His oval face is etched with determination and pain, as a bloody gash on his head attests to his recent battle. Wearing a white Haori stained with blood, his torn dark hakama billows in the wind. With both hands tightly gripping the hilt of his sword, he takes a panting rest after the heated fight. His intense focus and weary expressions tell a story of valor and endurance. --s2
* anime warrior
* long black hair
* narrow eyes and