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(Un)Calcolato Rischio
(Un)Calcolato Rischio
Pensò al modo in cui Harry lo guardava, gli sorrideva; a come la testa di Draco era quasi sempre piena di lui, tutto il giorno, ogni giorno, e a come Draco a volte si metteva a letto di proposito ancora profumato di lui, rifiutandosi di riconoscere cosa significasse – perché già fottutamente sapeva cosa significasse. Cosa significasse tutto. E poi Draco decise, fanculo, avrebbe rischiato. Avrebbero rischiato insieme, Harry e Draco. Piccolo pezzo sdolcinato scritto per i festeggiamenti del compleanno del beniamino universale!
6.9K parola
Love Is Magic, And Magic Is Love
Love Is Magic, And Magic Is Love
This story continues straight after the finale of She-Ra and far, far beyond - all the way to the farthest reaches of space. The clones are still out there, somewhere, and so is Angella, but before Catra can deal with any of that she must learn to live with the terrible mistakes of her past. Only then will she feel worthy of Adora's love, as well as the unwavering friendship of the Best Friend Squad.
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Life, Love and the Future
Life, Love and the Future
Sheriff Emma Swan-Mills and her wife, Mayor Regina Swan-Mills have been married for a little while and decide that it's time to expand their family. This is an AU set in a magical Storybrooke, it diverges from the cannon of the show right after they return from Neverland.
274.0K parola
Meteo Rugby Sweater
Meteo Rugby Sweater
Charlie Spring lavora come fisioterapista per la squadra di rugby professionistica dei Leeds Badgers da due anni. All'inizio della sua terza stagione, Nick Nelson viene ceduto ai Badgers e i mondi di Nick e Charlie vengono sconvolti. Ecco a voi, il crossover Heartstopper x Sweater Weather che nessuno tranne me ha richiesto! Non è necessario aver letto SW per leggere questa fanfiction. Tuttavia, se NON avete letto Sweater Weather di lumosinlove (e Coast to Coast, e, beh, tutto il resto), dovreste assolutamente farlo, perché è un'opera straordinaria (così come il suo AU a sé stante). Ci saranno parallelismi e divergenze sia da Heartstopper che da Sweater Weather in questa storia. Ne so un sacco di rugby? No! Vivo in Inghilterra? Sicuramente no. Farò molti errori abbastanza fastidiosi? Assolutamente! Ci saranno curiosità scientifiche alla fine di ogni capitolo? Non posso farci niente. Buon divertimento.
350.8K parola
I Would Move Mountains
I Would Move Mountains
Nick Nelson, 24, is struggling to process the massive change of direction his life has taken in such a short period of time. Money is tight and his mental health is frayed.His friends and family are worried about him, but he's fine, just fine. Honest. His best friends, Tara and Darcy, persuade him that the solution to his money worries is to rent out his spare room for 6 months. He just needs to find someone suitable. Charlie Spring, 22, is fed up of being walked all over by his (ex) boyfriend. He needs to move out of their shared flat ASAP if Ben is ever going to accept that they are over. He just needs to find somewhere affordable and, preferably, available immediately - not an easy feat in London. His sister suggests he should look slightly further afield. Kent sounds like a good option.
255.3K parola
When a failed experiment accidentally drops Darcy Lewis into the middle of Asgard, she finds herself an unwilling guest of the God of Mischief. However, as the two of them are forced to spend time together in each other's company, she begins to wonder if being his prisoner may not be so bad after all. (Of course that might just be her ladyparts talking) Set prior to the first Thor movie, and will diverge from canon because I'm a total rebel like that.
166.4K parola
So, you're dating the campus Frat Star?
So, you're dating the campus Frat Star?
Charlie Spring finally settles on a university away from home, away from his past in Kent, hoping for a fresh start. And, to be honest, hoping for a man. His teenage years were filled with hardly a drop of romance, and let's be honest, there's only so much a teenage gay boy can bottle up. What he doesn't realize is that he's going to be surrounded by so many different, very attractive men in university, and that could have some consequences. Nick Nelson, hoping to get his own fresh start after fizzling out at University of Leeds, heads for a smaller school. Unfortunately, his brother's reputation follows him around like a bad case of the clap, attracting requests from various organizations and fraternities to join. What Nick doesn't realize is that his pathway is about to collide with several others during his sophomore year, revealing feelings he has denied and kept hidden for the past decade. We all know that Nick and Charlie are destined to be together, in any universe, but what will it take in this one? Generally mature, but E-rate will be added to Chapter summaries that are bit more *graphic*
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Codename: Cupcake
Codename: Cupcake
Darcy Lewis had always been given the choice by her parents as to how out in the open she wanted to be about where she came from, and what she was. So she opted to lie low, keep out of the spotlight, and pretend not to be more than human. It was the perfect plan. Nobody would suspect a thing, and her life would be smooth sailing. But her perfect plan comes to a screeching halt one day, when she runs smack into two super soldiers who have a few perfect plans of their own, and all those plans include her.
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Add It Up
Add It Up
Loki and Darcy have been dancing around each other ever since they were paired up as a team at S.H.I.E.L.D. by Nick Fury. When they both end up up in his apartment after saving the world, things finally hit the boiling point.
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Because You Were There
Because You Were There
When Charlie texts what he thinks is Tao's new number, he mistakenly gets a random stranger instead. Charlie is in crisis and the stranger offers to listen. Charlie decides to take a chance and starts talking with them... Or: just another wrong number AU where Nick and Charlie meet in the most unlikely of ways...
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Tiny Choices
Tiny Choices
A non-linear exploration of physical intimacy following trauma, based on my own queer experiences, and diverging from canon after panel 1358 of the webcomic. Watch Nick and Charlie grow up and learn what changes over a lifetime shared together. All acts age-appropriate at the time in-story. ON HIATUS but this fic will be completed and the pause point is a pleasant place to wait, IMHO
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Third Time's a Charm
Third Time's a Charm
During a magic lesson, an unfortunate mishap occurs which could actually be a blessing in disguise for Emma and Regina. Hook and Hood make a brief appearance in the story but there is no Captain Swan and no Outlaw Queen.
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Questi vecchi sentimenti
Questi vecchi sentimenti
Dieci lunghi anni sono passati dagli eventi della guerra, e Draco ha una vita completamente nuova, trascorsa per lo più nel mondo babbano. Ha una carriera di successo come paramedico, un gatto salvato, e sua madre è al sicuro in Francia. Cos'altro potrebbe desiderare? Certo, è un po' solo, ma quello era il prezzo che era disposto a pagare data la sua storia. Questo, almeno, finché un turno extra non gli capovolge completamente il mondo sottosopra, lasciandolo a chiedersi se il mondo sia davvero impazzito.
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Cocktails and Cheese
Cocktails and Cheese
Alistair is the owner of a cheesy bar in downtown Denerim. Commander Cullen is a police detective from the other side of town. Both men go through the motions of their day-to-day lives, not realizing that something essential is missing. After a chance meeting and some casual flirting; will these two find that little spark of attraction enough to break free from their humdrum existence and lead them down the path towards true happiness? Welcome to my Thedas! As cliche' as it sounds, I woke up one morning with an image in my head: Alistair standing behind a bar, flirting shamelessly with a handsome, blonde, curly-haired detective. (Guess who?) Since the image couldn't be captured properly with the stick-figures that I am so adept at drawing, I decided to put pen to paper and run with this idea. Thank you for coming along for the ride. I hope you enjoy!
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