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Catfishing Gone Horribly Right
Catfishing Gone Horribly Right
15 year old Emma thought catfishing her dad would be nothing more than a harmless prank. Though when he starts sexting her it actually turns her on - more than she wants to admit. When he mentions he has a daughter she steers the talk towards the subject of incest, and then starts goading and coaching him into seducing her. Warning: This smut is only for people of sufficiently fucked up minds. Read the tags to see if this smut is for you.
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My Favorite Place is at Your Side
My Favorite Place is at Your Side
A year isn’t a long time. It’s an eternity. After a year away from the Zora domain, Link returns to unwelcome news. News of Sidon’s engagement to a woman whose name he’s never heard before. The cathartic tale SidLink shippers deserve.
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Heaven's Grief Brings Hell's Rain
Heaven's Grief Brings Hell's Rain
Taehyung is a powerful Incubus who, like others of his kind, is eager to dominate and feed on humans' sexual desire. His only purpose as a sex Demon is to seduce and encourage those same humans into sin. Like all jobs, his comes with rules, the most important one being that Incubi are not to submit to any being, be it a mortal or immortal one, for it goes against their whole existence. Although curious and tempted to break that rule after new submissive feelings are awakened within him, Taehyung is a loyal follower who manages to keep himself in check, for the most part. But, after meeting Jeongguk, a recently banished Fallen Angel, he can't help but want to give into his deepest desires, something that ends up putting his own life at risk.
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Comet's Ficlet Collection
Turning Porn Addiction Into Reality
Turning Porn Addiction Into Reality
The even more incestuous sequel to Catfishing Gone Horribly Right. Sofi is a high school dropout that has only two interests in life: anime and porn. She spends the majority of her days in bed with her laptop and headphones and rubbing her brains away. After witnessing her father’s cock and how much he can cum her porn addled mind can’t stop thinking about it. She buries herself in incest porn and soon enough gets the bright idea to get “stuck” in the washing machine so that her daddy can easily give her a hard pounding from behind – a silly attempt at a porn plot that actually ends up working. Perhaps a little too well.
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Download "Reality Control Alpha"? [CHAPTER'S BEING REWRITTEN]
Download "Reality Control Alpha"? [CHAPTER'S BEING REWRITTEN]
What happens when a guy downloads a reality controlling app? He screws with the world of course! He fucks all his favourite celebrities and pornstars while enjoying everything that comes with the perk of reality control.
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Terra senza legge
Terra senza legge
Seungmin fa un respiro profondo, quasi un sospiro. “Mi fai un favore, Jeongin?” “Dipende dal favore,” dice immediatamente, impassibile. “Vuoi togliermi la verginità?” Jeongin sbattere le palpebre rapidamente. Scruta Seungmin, cercando di capire se si tratta di uno scherzo. Poi, sentendo che non lo è affatto, si struscia le spalle e dice: “Certo.” A volte liberarsi della tua verginità significa che devi essere in un amore imbarazzante e cringe con il tuo migliore amico.
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