"Vi," Caitlyn pulled away, "We can't indulge in this. I can't just kiss a participant in a study; we have guidelines to follow.”
"So we can fuck but not kiss? What if a kiss makes my fertility levels more stable?"
Caitlyn hesitates, trying to think of a response. “In a strictly hypothetical manner, I suppose it is possible. However, we would need to collect more data and measure how much the kiss affects the results. There are certain parameters that need to be met. I cannot simply kiss you just because you ask-”
"Time to do your testing then," Vi grabbed the back of Caitlyn's neck and pulled her for a deep kiss._Vi participates in a fertility study for money. She leaves with something more valuable.
"The Toymaker" it's a "what if?" alternative universe of Arcane - LoL series.
This first act will retell the final events of the third episode of season 1 to set the beginning of this alternative story path: What if Powder was adopted by Viktor instead and Vi wasn't arrested?