Quirkless Midoriya Izuku awakens from the hospital after the encounter with the sludge villain that's when a screen-like object appears and his whole world changes. Read about his change physically and mentally as he becomes the world strongest. Oh and the many MANY Women he bags along the way.
Discontinued, but I am reworking it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60096814/chapters/153343276
Given the power to make any request of a fictional character, what would you do with it? Envision adorable scenarios? Find the answer to unknowable questions? Or simply indulge in lust. All are possible here!
Alternatively: Make a request and see it realized!
(Please check end of story notes for a general gist of how/what you can request.)
The Varia are desperate enough to hide their Sky away, at least until Xanxus heals from the Zero Point. Kisuke isn’t one for charity cases but Mammon is an old acquaintance and he isn’t inclined to deny Ichigo when the young man makes his decisions.For his part, Xanxus is both pissed off at the world and reluctantly intrigued. There aren’t many people out there who can defeat him without breaking a sweat. Injured or not.