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Ninety One Whiskey
Ninety One Whiskey
In the spring of 1944, the 104th Medical Battalion of the United States Army is disbanded, and its men reassigned to various infantry companies in preparation for their invasion of occupied France. For First Lieutenant Novak, this is less than helpful, as he has so far met his platoon’s designated medic a grand total of twice, and has both times found Sergeant Winchester to be the optimum combination of reckless, arrogant, and downright insufferable so as to make cohesive platoon function near impossible. When the time comes to move out, however, Castiel has to reconcile himself to the fact that men are going to go down and trust that Dean Winchester may well be the only person who can put them back together again. WW2 ETO infantry AU.
401.1K kata
Casturbatus Interruptus
Casturbatus Interruptus
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards." Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
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Life had always been rough for long-time New Yorker, Castiel Haven. And when he ratted out his mob boss father, the rest of his horrific family, and about a half-dozen cops, he knew life wasn’t about to get better. Especially not when the FBI carted him off to the middle of nowhere, North Carolina. But he sure as hell didn’t expect the biggest complication to be a small-town brazen mechanic with a tenacious sex drive named Dean Winchester. One of them never lies. One of them never tells the truth. And both of them have no fucking clue what it means to love someone.
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My Liege Lord
My Liege Lord
From a young age, Castiel has been groomed to serve as Dean’s personal bodyguard. They’re inseparable as children and good friends as adolescents. When Dean ascends to the throne, though, there’s a subtle shift in their relationship. If only Castiel knew what to make of it…
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A Study In Dean Winchester
A Study In Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester is a bit of a nerd. He likes pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, and he likes wearing argyle sweaters. He has a crush on his Spanish teacher, Mr. Peralta, and he's only been kissed, once, or so he says. One day, he meets Castiel Novak, the cigarette smoking, eyeliner wearing, pierced up hottie with the blue eyes who has a knack for sketching and bringing out the worst in others. They strike up an unlikely friendship, the both of them perhaps yearning for something more than what the other is giving. Junior year just got a whole lot more complicated than either of them had anticipated it to be.
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The Night of the Hunter
The Night of the Hunter
Dean's adjusting to life after losing his job as an EMT. He stays up late, eats shitty food, and keeps to himself. But that all changes when he almost literally stumbles into an injured homeless man one night. An injured homeless man who just also happens to be covered in scales.
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Take Your Time
Take Your Time
Written for bottom!cas Wednesday on Tumblr. Basically: Dean takes his time opening up Cas with his tongue and fingers before he finally slips inside and gives Cas what he wants.
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these, our bodies
these, our bodies
Dean and Castiel's first time having sex totally doesn't include them crying like babies. Crossposted from Tumblr.
510 kata
Don't live in the Past
Don't live in the Past
Written for a prompt on the kink meme.In the year 2014, Dean and Cas have an 'arrangement'. They sleep with any women they want as long as they are the only guy for each other. Till Past!Dean shows up, whom Cas likes, a lot. When Dean discovers Cas broke their arrangement, he becomes consumed by jealousy and possessiveness, hitting and claiming Cas as his own. Cas gladly takes all the pain if it means he can finally have Dean all to himself.
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The Virgin Angel