Pixel art of a man in a suit standing in front of a body of water

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One-third of the upper part of the screen is empty, one-tenth the width of the sky is the sea, a large road in the center of the screen, residential areas are lined up across the road on the left and right sides of the screen, and a man with black short hair on the right is standing in the center of the screen wearing a blue suit and red tie.
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One-third of the upper part of the screen is empty
one-tenth the width of the sky is the sea
a large road in the center of the screen
residential areas are lined up across the road on the left and right sides of the screen
and a man with black short hair on the right is standing in the center of the screen wearing a blue suit and red tie
Mar 27, 2024
Par Défaut
Checkpoint & LoRA

pixel XL

pixel world

pixel ai style
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