

7 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
ATLOP: Trial by Fire
ATLOP: Trial by Fire
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show. Problem is, he succeeds. Now he has to figure out how to waterbend, and keep the normal people from finding out they have a waterbender in their midst. Finding out he's actually a child of Poseidon will probably explain a few things.(Used to be named Avatar: The Legend of Percy)
227.9K حرف
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
Percy survived his first year at Camp Half-Blood, and made many friends along the way, though one tried to kill him at the end of the summer. Now he needs to brave the realities of undersea politics, handle a custody dispute, and deal with land school all at the same time. Camp's barriers weakening after the winter solstice and a new activities director being pulled in did not make his summer session any calmer. Why can't he just have one normal year on land? Makes him wish for Kym's storm-making lessons. SEQUEL TO: ATLOP: Trial by Fire (must read that first to have any idea what's going on)
205.5K حرف
Better Than Their Fathers
Better Than Their Fathers
“Hey, buddy, you shouldn’t be up! Did you need anything?” Poseidon froze. It took a great deal to surprise him but apparently, this was one of the few things that could stop him in his tracks. He didn’t think he’d ever been called buddy before. “Percy?” Paul pushed, still cleaning his glasses on his shirt. Ah. “I am not Percy,” Poseidon said. “Though, I shall take the confusion as a compliment.” — Otherwise Known As: Five times someone mistook Poseidon for Percy, and one time someone thought Percy was Poseidon instead.
10K حرف
My Son Has Fallen (Now Shatter)
My Son Has Fallen (Now Shatter)
Poseidon plays favorites, of course he does. He’d cursed Odysseus for harming one of his less favored children, and he would do so much worse for his most favored children. He will do so much worse for his most favored child. The Argo II is about to learn that the hard way.
2.5K حرف
Destruction is Good Actually
Destruction is Good Actually
Percy is the son of Poseidon's most destructive aspect, it's natural things get a little... mixed up morality wise. Poseidon is just so proud of his overpowered son. Zeus wants him to please stop making things break.
1.5K حرف
In Death We Are All Equal
In Death We Are All Equal
Poseidon hated it when Hades decided he wanted a new kid. Every time it happened every God had to be on guard, if they were even 10 degrees of separation from Chthonic then their kids were at risk of “spontaneous adoption”. Normally, Poseidon's kids were fine. Hades tended to pull from other Gods children, not Poseidon's. But this time... this time Hades had set his sights on Percy. Poseidon would not let this stand; he would do anything to keep his son from being stolen from him. Hades would just have to deal with it.
3.0K حرف
أبراج مكسورة لتخفيف سقوطي
أبراج مكسورة لتخفيف سقوطي
تمتم بيرسي بشكل بائس «أنا لا أريدك». «ليس هكذا. أنا آسف، لكنني أفضل أن نكون مجرد أصدقاء.» اكذب، أكذب، كذب. غنى شيكور الخاص به بينما تسربت الأكاذيب إليه لخلق مزيج شنيع من العوز والكراهية. أرادته ولم تخبر. أمسك أبولو بذقن بيرسي وأصاب حنجرتها. «حبيبتي،» تذمر، «أستطيع أن أعرف متى تكذب.» ابتلعت. «لم أكذب.» «كذاب»، تنفس. كانت الهزات التي تنهمر على إطارها حلوة حقًا. لكن استسلامها سيكون أحلى. وسوف تستسلم. لأنها إذا استمرت في التردد، فسيتعين على ليستر التراجع خطوة إلى الوراء. ولن يحب بيرسي ما يعنيه حقًا إنكار عبادة الله.
20.2K حرف