إعادة تأهيل

إعادة تأهيل

66 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
Maybe Sprout Wings
Maybe Sprout Wings
On Hiatus! Will be finished at some point, but for your sake, maybe bookmark it and come back in a while. Castiel doesn’t know where the runaway in Dean has gone, but he’s not sure that man exists anymore. The omega in his backseat has been badly broken. He hasn’t said a word to Castiel; hasn’t protested aside from flinching, hasn’t even pleaded to be spared. He’s just… empty. Tired. Castiel can smell layers of fear, sour and old on the omega’s skin, an emotion so often felt that it’s now a permanent stain on his scent. He can only begin to imagine what Dean has been through to put him in this state of apathy. At sixteen years old, Dean Winchester signed away his life in order to protect what he loves most. He's spent the last eleven years as the property of various alphas, each crueler than the last. Purchased by a new master that promises him nothing but safety, his life is about to dramatically change - and with any luck, it will be for the better.
543.5K حرف
Problem Child
Problem Child
"He's a problem child." Tommy immediately began tuning out the conversation. His social worker was on the phone with some guy that he was told to not 'scare away'. He had planned to listen in to the conversation as much as he could since he got bored of scratching the paint off of the old as shit office chair. The blond boy was scraping his nails clean with a pen when the phone was suddenly in his face. He just blatantly dropped the pen on the floor before taking it, not listening to whatever Mariah was angrily whispering to him. "So, whaddya' wanna know big man?" --- Or; Having no family isn't the most fucked up thing about Tommy So he fits right in Or also; I can't just write something happy can I? Or thirdly; tfw a fucking vent fic blows up lol This fic is a clusterfuck and it's being rewritten :3
111.0K حرف
To Cross the Line
To Cross the Line
The world of heroes had utterly failed Izuku Midoriya. So why not give the world of villains a try? Afterall, it couldn’t be worse than what Bakugo and All Might had done to him. Working for the League, he thinks it's what he wants, but is it? Despite being a villain, Midoriya still has a heart. But being a villain requires a person to be merciless and unfeeling. He pushes his moral limits further and further, to the point where he’s going against the very fiber of his being. Against the part of him that had once wanted to be a hero. How far is he willing to go? It’s a good thing the world is filled with much more caring people than Midoriya realizes. OR Midoriya’s a villain but he’s still good deep down, so Class 1-A (specifically Uraraka, Bakugo, Shinso and All Might) try to save him. Here’s this fic’s playlist! En Español. This fic has a Tv Tropes page!
426.5K حرف
How To Train Your Trash Baby
How To Train Your Trash Baby
Desperate yowling cut through the night, accompanied by infrequent clanging. Shouta paused on the rooftop he had been running across and tried to determine the direction of the sound. Most likely a stray cat or some other animal. Shouta liked cats, and to a lesser extent all animals, so he wasn’t about to just leave it struggling. The poor thing could be hurt. Soon enough, he tracked the commotion to a street that was starkly unpopulated at this time of night. The noise originated from some vending machines next to a bus stop, lit up by the soft glow of a streetlight. Shouta raised an eyebrow at the small rear end sticking out of the little door that the snacks dropped down into. Was that… a toddler? Out here? At this hour? _________________ Aizawa Shouta finds a little trash baby. Unfortunately, the kid's feral. What now?
57.0K حرف
Milky Sweet
Milky Sweet
Opening his eyes fully, he saw the area he was placed on. There were no traditional beds in the room, instead there was one big nest in the center of the room - which he was laying on now. They were some of the softest blankets he had ever felt. Slowly running a hand over one of the blankets, he gripped it and pulled it over himself, trying to maintain any sense of modesty he may still have. It was a pretty purple blanket, he kinda liked it. A grunting noise threw him out of his sense of false calm as he quickly gripped the blanket up over his chest as snapped his head up, meeting not one, not two, but four sets of eyes all staring at him interested and… was that confusion? Maybe even a little concern? Wait, was this their room, their den?
82.0K حرف
I Still Find You There (Next To Me)
I Still Find You There (Next To Me)
Tired of seeing him down every day, Jungkook's friends get him to see a therapist. Something that he definitely wasn't expecting to see there was Taehyung, the kid that he used to bully in high school, in a white coat and a smile, more than willing to forget the past and help.
502.4K حرف
Ghosts & Roses
Ghosts & Roses
Ghosts can’t find you when you’re hiding from green light, betrayal, brainwashing, blood, death- death- death in the comfortable grasp of drugs, booze, work. It doesn’t matter how fast you run, how hard you hide, PTSD will find you and knock you from your pedestal. Your best hope is that there will be someone to catch you when you land- perhaps a family you didn’t know you had.
316.1K حرف
Half Way Across
Half Way Across
Set immediately after "The Killing Joke": Joker changes his mind on the way back to Arkham and agrees to Batman's offer to rehabilitate him. What follows is a mess of conflicting needs, emotional ugliness and a whole lot of bad decisions, but no one ever said it was going to be easy.
266.7K حرف
Professor McGonagall didn’t know that Hogwarts had a Failsafe. The Spell she used to protect the students triggered the castle to protect itself. It’s been creating labyrinths. Some of the loved ones of the missing ventured in, never to be seen again. It’s like they never left. Draco Lucius Malfoy, the verdict alteration comes with a stipulation that you must return for the rehabilitation of Hogwarts. NOW COMPLETE
99.4K حرف
A Sky Underground
A Sky Underground
Tommy had been a play piece in man’s game before his life with Dream. He still remembers it- thrust into a ring to gnash and claw and burn others like him for an opportunity to live another day. Even now, years later, he would sometimes sit scratching his claws desperately and endlessly against the exposed metal of his glorified cage to dull them. He would never again be like that, the mutt kit stripped of his innocence with blood splattering his face and copper in his teeth. - or, the au where dream ‘rescues’ tommy from 2b2t only to lock him away again and use him as a glorified attack dog. tommy is an electricity hybrid of dubious origins training under sapnap. eventual sbi rescue maybe and found family because canon failed me
92.4K حرف
Fractures (Filled With Liquid Gold)
Fractures (Filled With Liquid Gold)
Ultron happened. The Avengers left. Tony is fine with being alone again. He always worked better as a Lone Wolf than a team player anyway. He's not sleeping or eating or resting or... living, but it's fine. It's good. It's okay. And then there's James.
63.2K حرف
Sweetly Broken
Sweetly Broken
As the dust settles following the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco's confidence, belief system, and world are shattered. In an attempt to mend his broken pieces, he turns to vials that take the pain away. But once the high's are no longer so high and the lows get so much lower, Draco has to start a journey of healing and redemption that often hurts more than it helps.
107.6K حرف
The love of Astarion's life has disappeared to go live in the daylight with the druids, and Astarion is stuck in the darkness once more, yearning for sunlight with every fibre of his being, while bitterly reflecting on all the things that were denied to him in the end - love, sunlight, the option to kill thousands of people and become a near-god... Raphael knows Astarion's desperate, and comes to him with not one, but two horrid contract offers that Astarion loathes and dreads in equal measure - but the prize at the end of both are too good to turn down, and he's become too cynical to care about how much of a good idea it is to give his body to a devil for a month or two, because really, comparatively, how bad could it be?
124.1K حرف
Forest rexia
Forest rexia
In the aftermath of the war, all marked Death Eaters are imprisoned in Azkaban for a minimum of fifteen years.After a hard fight, Harry Potter and Blaise Zabini managed to get some of the Death Eaters released under certain conditions. One of these conditions is that they must marry a Muggle, a Squib or a Muggleborn.Draco Malfoy, locked up for the past seven years and abused by vengeful wardens, is freed and finds himself married to Hermione Granger, who will take him in at her farm in the Pyrenees, where she fled to try to rebuild her life.But war and imprisonment have left their mark on all of them and between anxiety, agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress, they will have to relearn how to live and not just to survive. This fic is illustrated. Covers by @iamrosetta & @chestercompany Playlist for the fic, and explanation about my choices of musics.
227.6K حرف
Cover Up the Sun
Cover Up the Sun
Following the invasion of Asgard by Malekith the Accursed, Loki seeks shelter in the one place in the Nine Realms he knows he will be welcome: Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted.
82.9K حرف
بغداد والتز
بغداد والتز
أدى الملازم ستيف روجرز كل الأمور على أكمل وجه. تخرّج من ويست بوينت متصدراً دفعته. نال مكانةً مرموقة كضابط مشاة. وجد المرأة التي يحلم بها. كل شيء يسير تماماً حسب الخطة. هذا حتى قبل أن يقبل منصب قائد فصيلة لوحدة تُنشر في العراق، حيث يُعيد اللقاء بحبيب سابقٍ يودّ نسيانه ولكنه لم يستطع. ——— يعتقد الرقيب أول بارنز أنه يعرف الحرب. يعيش في دورةٍ متوحشة من التدريب العسكري، والانتشارات، والجنس، والشرب، والشوق إلى صديقه السابق وحبيب سابق، ستيف روجرز. لكن عندما يُعيّن الملازم روجرز قائداً لفصيلته خلال عملية الحرية العراقية، يدرك الرقيب بارنز أنه لا يعرف أول شيء عن معنى القتال الحقيقي من أجل شيء ما. ——— قصة حب من حرب العراق في ثلاث حركات. أو: قصة رجلَين يذهبان إلى الحرب ولا يعودان إلى الوطن تماماً. ——— الرجاء قراءة العلامات والتحذيرات.
680.7K حرف
Rehabilitation For the Recently Traumatized
Rehabilitation For the Recently Traumatized
Freshly escaped from the GIW and now looking like a seven year old, Danny Phantom escapes to Gotham where he meets the Bat family. Not sure who to trust, Danny must make important decisions while he is still being followed by the Guys in White and trying to survive. Meanwhile the Bat family is losing their freaking mind trying to get this kid some help. Sure he doesnt have black hair and blue eyes, but he will definitely still be welcomed into the family with open arms. Even if his glowing green eyes remind them of something else. The biggest challenge though? Having to deal with the prissy suit of haunted armor that won’t leave the kid alone.
88.9K حرف
SCP-666: «هازبين»
SCP-666: «هازبين»
مؤسسة اس سي بي فندق هازبين (سلسلة ويب) هيلوفا بوس (سلسلة ويب) scp - خرق الاحتواء فندق هازبين (كارتون) أنجل داست (فندق هازبين) تمرد الفوضى تشارلي ماجني | مورنينجستار لوسيفر ماجن | مورنينجستار فاجي (فندق هازبين) آدم (فندق هازبين) إيفلين برايت (مؤسسة SCP) حواء جاك برايت عائلة مشرقة - شخصية دكتور جيرز (مؤسسة SCP) دكتور ألتو كليف أليسون تشاو | الملكة السوداء ليليث ماجن | مورنينجستار scp-049 (مؤسسة scp) scp-682 (مؤسسة scp) ائتلاف العُملاء السري العالمي للأمم المتحدة (مؤسسة SCP) شخصية منظمة أوكتافيا جوتيا بليتزو (هيلوفا بوس) لونا (رئيس الجحيم) 7 خطايا مميتة - شخصية أسموديوس | أوزي فيزارولي (مدرب هيلوفا) ميلي (رئيسة جهنم) موكسي (مدرب هيلوفا) فندق ألاستور (فندق هازبين) شقيق ألاستور (فندق هازبين) الثلاثة V (فندق هازبين) فوكس (فندق هازبين) فالنتينو (فندق هازبين) قطيفة (فندق هازبين) سادة العالم (فندق هازبين) scp-343 (مؤسسة scp) مهاجم (مدرب هيلوفا) سيدي بينتايور (فندق هازبين) باكستر (فندق هازبين) scp-073 (مؤسسة scp) scp-076-2 (مؤسسة scp) scp-076 (مؤسسة scp) scp-1233 (مؤسسة SCP) scp-999 (مؤسسة scp) scp-173 (مؤسسة SCP) المجلس 05 (مؤسسة SCP) scp-079 (مؤسسة scp) scp-268 (مؤسسة scp) scp-2662 (مؤسسة scp) كارميلا كارمين (هَازبين هوتل) دكتور سيمون جلاس شيري بومب (فندق هازبين) شارلي ماغن/فافجي مغناطيس الليليث/مغناطيس لوسيفر كوميديا سوداء سحر موت الشخصية ماذا أضع هنا أيضًا؟ نبرة مشابهة لمسلسل هَازبين هوتل أنا أُفصِّل أحداث الموسم الأول من فندق هازبين اختلاف قطعة الأرض الزغب والقلق sad happy أعتقد أنني سأغنيها أفضل الأصدقاء حسرة addiction إعادة تأهيل عائلة وجدت بشر في الجحيم (فندق هازبين) العروض الموسيقية
جهنم. الجحيم حقيقي. والآن أنا محاصر هنا مع مئات الشياطين المتعطشة للدماء، والمزيد من رجال الشرطة المتعطشين للدماء الذين اعتدت المساعدة في احتوائهم. حسنًا، قد يكون الأمر أسوأ على ما أعتقد، لا يزال لدي أصدقاء وباحثون أسطوريون من المؤسسة وفندق صغير جدًا تديره أميرة الجحيم. ربما لن يكون الأمر بهذا السوء بعد كل شيء.
264.8K حرف
we’ll meet in every world.
we’ll meet in every world.
Collection of one-shots revolving around Katsuki and Izuku.——Each chapter varies from Smut to fluff to angst? A mix of all three? Most of these will be AUs, each chapter titled. recent update: BIG surprise...
90.0K حرف
Between the Devil and the Deep, Blue Sea
Between the Devil and the Deep, Blue Sea
The UA Aquarium is the only facility with a mermaid program, which meant it was the only facility Katsuki Bakugo wanted to work at. After achieving his first dream, his second of gaining a mermaid companion wasn't so simple. However, one fateful night he aids in the rescue of a peculiar mermaid who later becomes Katsuki's partner. The two work together to heal, laugh, and learn to love again. View fanart here & here & here
92.9K حرف
ربح قذر.
ربح قذر.
أستراليا. يعيش ريان روس الحلم الأمريكي الرطب. إنه غني، ووسيم، ويدفع له فقط مقابل الظهور في الحفلات، ويقضي أيامه يتعاطى المخدرات وينام مع شباب وفتيات متلهفين وراضين. براندون يوري رجل على شفا اليأس - يبيع نفسه للرجال الأثرياء في محاولة لإعالة نفسه ومساعدة صديقه المقرب على التخلص من إدمانه المتفاقم على المخدرات. عندما تجره وظيفته إلى عالم الأثرياء والمشاهير البراق، لا يمر وقت طويل قبل أن تتقاطع طرقهما، ويبدأ ريان في تحقيق خيالاته المظلمة من خلال براندون - لكن بسعر. انظر العلامات للتحذيرات.
362.5K حرف
It won't be the War that kills you...
It won't be the War that kills you...
John can't seem to find his place in the world, and he's just about to give up trying. Sherlock discovers a sickening trail of corpses that lead him right to the good Doctor. Somewhere along the way these two discover each other, in more ways than one.
121.7K حرف
From The Bowels of Hell
From The Bowels of Hell
"I could never be hero partners or friends with a mutt like you," kacchan seethes at me between clenched teeth. "You know I thought it was bad enough when you were just a mutt. A filthy half-breed. Then they told us you were quirkless. Because of fucking course you are. And now you're an omega too! HA. There's no way I could possibly want anything else to do with a worthless piece of shit like you." "But...Kacchan you promi-" "Promises, promises, promises," he clicks his tongue at me."What about your promises to me, huh? You're supposed to be the big bad wolf and look at you! Just the runt of the fucking liter. So don't fucking talk to me about promises Deku." That's the last thing Bakugo Katsuki ever said to me. OR PET AU. Izuku is a wolf-dog hybrid whose family has been with the human bakugo family for generations. Until Katsuki leaves his side for the first and last time. Just because dear Kacchan didn't want a wolf doesn't mean someone else won't. Thrust into the hands of the LOV, Izuku gains a terrifying new quirk, a taste for blood and feels more wolf than human everyday. Near feral and wild, the only hope he has left is Katsuki. But can his old friend bring him back?
119.3K حرف
Hinata and Kamukura both feel it, the swell of affection. Komaeda seems to be the only individual on the island able to always tell the two apart, even while they wear the same face. The others speculate, but are never as assure in their switch as the one before them now. Hajime can feel Izuru almost purr under the acknowledgment. He internally rolls his eyes. Why does he call you by first name and not me, anyways? Are you jealous? Smug bastard.
14.5K حرف
A Storm of Laughter in the Stillness of the Jingshi
A Storm of Laughter in the Stillness of the Jingshi
Six months have passed since the massacre at Nightless City.Three months have passed since Wei Wuxian died during the siege of Burial Mounds.He wakes up gasping for air.Why was he brought back?He stumbles through a world that doesn't miss him and doesn't want him back.He's alone.No one waits for him.No one needs him.No one? Where will he go? Spanish translation on Wattpad: Una Tormenta de risa en la quietud del Jingshi
73.9K حرف
Radioactive Trees In A Red Forest
Radioactive Trees In A Red Forest
John Watson is what happens when a man can no longer see a reason to go on. John Watson is what happens when a man starts to let go. "It is what it is." John Watson is what happens when what "it is" becomes too much to bear. This is a story of the life, death, and resurrection of John Hamish Watson.
280.2K حرف
Wind beneath my wings
Wind beneath my wings
“You shouldn’t be here,” Harry gritted out, wild-eyed. “You should be scared of me.”Louis opened his mouth to speak, to cut him off, to disagree, but Harry was pushing. “I could hurt you.”“You won’t hurt me,” Louis said, simple and assuredly. Calm.“I’m capable of hurting you.”“But you won’t. That’s not who you are, Harry. I trust you,” Louis whispered. As an omega carer that works at a rescue and rehabilitation centre for feral alphas and omegas, Louis has experienced all sides of ferality. So Harry- a cold, near mute, non-receptive alpha- was a challenging case for everyone at Phoenix Rehab Centre. Louis wasn’t expecting to feel drawn towards an aloof Harry, or to form a slow bond with him. He certainly was not expecting for his entire life to change in unforeseen ways.
93.1K حرف
Humiliating Rehab Experience
Hoseok had gone through four foster packs in the past twenty-two months, and, with two months before he would be sent away for good, he was being given to a fifth. He tried his best to not go soft when he knew it would all be taken away, but even a feral omega latches on to the feeling of home.
21.1K حرف
Through Plights and Promises
Through Plights and Promises
The three saviors of the wizarding world return to Hogwarts to hold onto the one last piece of childhood innocence they can. Bellatrix Lestrange miraculously survives the Battle of Hogwarts and receives an astonishingly light sentence from her Wizengamot trial. Placed under house arrest, Bellatrix is given a shot at rehabilitation with the help of her sisters and to her surprise, a familiar face that had haunted her dreams ever since their meeting at Malfoy Manor. Hermione/Andromeda/Bellatrix/Narcissa femslash. Blackcest content. Some OOC content as is the nature of this relationship surrounding Bellamione
151.9K حرف
It’s been a few months since Keith’s dad remarried, leaving Keith at a new school with no friends, no mom, and no hope. The only thing that keeps him from going completely insane is Lance Fuentes, the charming, funny, and surprisingly intimidating boy that Keith’s been admiring (read: pining after) from afar since day one.After a bad day leaves Lance miserable and embarrassed, Keith takes a chance and uses the Garrison’s school messenger system to comfort him as an anonymous admirer named Unknown. What was supposed to be a one-sided message of hope turns into the strangest friendship in the school, and soon Keith finds himself closer to Lance then he’d ever dreamed he would be. But keeping a secret this big is hard--especially when a few chance encounters lead him to become friends with Lance in real life as well.Unable to explain to Lance that he’s Unknown, and equally unable to fade away as he’d first intended, Keith soon finds himself trapped in a web of secrets and lies. As he becomes desperate to keep his identity from being discovered, Lance becomes just as desperate to find out who Unknown really is. The question is, just how far are they willing to go?
82.1K حرف
Home is What You Make of It
Home is What You Make of It
Izuku was only alive out of spite. He was supposed to die. His mother wanted him dead, his father would have tried to kill him, no doubt. He was confident nobody missed him when he went missing. He was supposed to die. It hurt, it hurt so fucking bad to think that he wasn't supposed to make it to age eleven. But he was alive and surviving to the best of his ability. He learned how to fight with a knife before he learned how to multiply. He learned how to pickpocket and shoplift before he learned the difference between primary and secondary colors. Izuku learned how to survive before he learned how to live.-------------------or: After a series of unfortunate events, Izuku finds himself living on the streets.
147.6K حرف
Involuntary Commitment
Involuntary Commitment
House heads to rehab. Things go pretty much as well as you'd expect.
42.2K حرف