

7 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
الزواج الذي بدأ أسطورة
الزواج الذي بدأ أسطورة
كان آرثر بندراجون وميرلين حرفيًا من عالمين مختلفين. أحدهما أمير من مملكة عظيمة والآخر فتى مزرعة عادي من المملكة التالية. كان يجب ألا يلتقي هذان الشخصان أبدًا. ولكن كان ذلك قبل أن يدركوا أن والديهم كانوا في يوم من الأيام أصدقاء ورتبوا الاثنين للزواج عندما بلغوا سن الرشد. كان ذلك قبل أن تقوم أوثر بتشغيل السحر وهربت هونيث مع ابنها الرضيع. لقد مر الآن ما يقرب من عشرين عامًا ونما هذان الصبيان إلى رجال. عثر فرسان كاميلوت على هونيث وجاءوا لجمع ابنها. هل سينجو ميرلين من هذا العالم الجديد الذي تم دفعه إليه? فلاح بين أفراد العائلة المالكة، ساحر من بين أولئك الذين سيقتلونه إذا اكتشفوا ذلك. هل يمكن أن يبدأ ميرلين في الأمل في السعادة عندما لا يريد الأمير الذي يُجبر على الزواج منه أن يفعل شيئًا معه؟ يتبع القانون ولكن مع زواجي المدبر الخاص بي تدور حوله.
2.5M حرف
Seven Magpies
Seven Magpies
Arthur opened his eyes a minute later to the sight of seven magpies streaking across the top of the clearing, their shapes dark against the white clouds and the muted grey of the sky. He tried to remember what it was that seven magpies meant—he'd had a nurse who had sung the rhyme to him as a child—but couldn't. Arthur wakes up somewhere he doesn't recognise, but where he clearly belongs.
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A Beacon In The Dark
A Beacon In The Dark
In a society where people with magic are persecuted, Arthur is a lawyer who takes on a prominent murder case. The suspect is a sorcerer: Merlin, Arthur's former childhood friend, who vanished at sixteen when his magic was discovered. Now, ten years later, Merlin is a prostitute, and Arthur has to solve more than Merlin's secrets to save the man he still loves from execution. A story about two friends, who after losing their hope, their innocence and their way, finally find each other again. Written for Paper Legends 2013 by ZairaA - with Art by crimsonswirls
96.3K حرف
There is a story that is not told in Ealdor anymore, not for many years now, a story about Beltane Eve.
1.1K حرف
Springes to Catch Woodcocks
When Merlin meets Arthur Pendragon he is mesmerised and can hardly believe it when he finds out that he's a highclass prostitute. Thinking it's the only way to see the intriguing prat again, Merlin becomes Arthur's client - and embarks on a journey on which he not only loses his virginity (in any way possible) but also his heart. But while Merlin thinks he has found a friend – maybe even love - Arthur doesn't allow himself such things and keeps reminding Merlin that all they have is a business arrangement.
32.5K حرف
What happened in the time before Camelot? When Merlin was just a boy struggling with his powers in a village full of people who hate him? The one time he could prove himself to be trustworthy and not the clumsy boy with magic they all think he is, but will it go to plan?
2.9K حرف