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3 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
An Arranged Marriage
An Arranged Marriage
Afterwards his father only remarked, “His features are very fine.” “I am not marrying him for his features,” said Damen. “No, you are marrying him for his dowry,” said Theomedes.
17.7K حرف
دامن هو حارس شخصي من النخبة، ويجب أن يحمي الأثرياء والمشاهير من الأذى، لكن أخاه غير الشقيق استولى على شركة العائلة وكلف دامن بمهام بسيطة ومستقبل غير مؤكد... ومع ذلك، يقترب من دامن صديق قديم تحول إلى عدو بعرض عمل مثير للاهتمام: 30 يومًا من العمل مقابل منصب دامن في شركة عائلته. العميل؟ شقيق عدوه الأصغر الذي ليس لديه نية للحماية ولكنه يتعرض للمطاردة من قبل شخص لديه 3 ضحايا سابقين... (TW: الجنس/المطاردة/ذكر: الاغتصاب، نيكيز كبائعة هوى، الاعتداء الجنسي)
145.6K حرف
The Consummation
The Consummation
“The king’s marriage has not been consummated,” said Herode. “It has!” Damen said. “So the king would be within his rights to put aside his spouse from the first marriage and to take a second.” Herode spoke calmly, as though his words weren’t directed at the spouse from the first marriage. Damen stood, and leaned forward, resting his fists upon the council table. He opened his mouth. Said Herode, “To be recognized by the council, and to bestow legitimacy to its issue, the king’s marriage must be consummated in front of witnesses.” “Damianos,” Laurent said, quietly, a third time. Damen still did not listen. “Then I will consummate it, and you will witness, and there will be no further discussion,” he said.
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