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13 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
Very Much Wanted
Very Much Wanted
James and Q have been mated for over a year, they've stopped trying to avoid pregnancy, and now the Quartermaster finds himself expecting...James is overprotective, Q is in over his head, and both are just a little bit over the moon.Of course, they don't train SIS agents in pregnant omega care, or child care for that matter... Or meeting your mate's more than slightly unhinged family.Neither do they train Quartermaster's in juggling pregnancy symptoms with work, protective lovers, and growing your own life form.
306.2K حرف
The kid stilled, his eyes going sharp in a way that made James want to reach for his weapon. He remembered he didn’t have one, then remembered he was talking to a 13 year old the size of a cocker spaniel and he didn’t need a weapon anyway. “Give me access to MI6’s computers and I could take over the world,” the boy said softly. “Not exactly what we’re trying to accomplish, but an interesting option all the same,” James said, pursing his lips. “What’s your name?” “Why?” “Because, if I’m going to recruit you that’s something I’ll need to know.”*** This is the origin story of Q/James Bond's relationship had they met quite a bit sooner in their MI6 careers. It is also a continuation/expansion of Jealous Gods, but it should make sense as a stand-alone piece. It will be formatted like Jealous Gods, going back and forth between present and past. Apologies in advance for any mistakes!
92.6K حرف
Ways of Expressing
Ways of Expressing
Bond didn’t do families. He had one, once, that he vaguely remembered. He’d met the occasional target’s parents, but only when it was unavoidable, and never as more than part of an investigation. M had come the closest to being something of a maternal figure in Bond’s life (“at least I got something right”), but even at that she was more his commanding officer than anyone remotely affectionate. This was why, when Q explained (rather forcefully) that he didn’t want Bond to have anything to do with his family, Bond didn’t object. Unhappily for both of them, it didn’t make any difference.
13.1K حرف
Jealous Gods
Jealous Gods
He wants to say: If Pablo Naruda had seen your eyes he would have written twenty poems of love and one song of despair about them. But people aren’t supposed to say things like that. So he doesn’t. ***Au-John is invalided home much sooner in his military career, and is working at the hospital when Sherlock is brought into the ER.
71.2K حرف
A Private War
A Private War
There was an explosion of agony in his left side, pain spreading like a starburst across his rib cage, and suddenly James was falling. Despite the terrifying realization that he was plummeting to his death the agent felt his himself go lax, darkness tunneling his vision until only a pin prick of light remained. He thought of soft skin and even softer curls, and then -
18.4K حرف
A Programmer in Q-Branch
A Programmer in Q-Branch
His name was Oliver, he was a programmer in Q branch, he had no access to classified files... Sherlock Holmes is contacted by his elder brother. The Quartermaster of MI6 has been abducted, and Mycroft is insistent that Sherlock finds him. Sherlock, John, and a rather overzealous 00 agent, attempt to find him before Q shatters.
32.1K حرف
مثلث الشيطان
مثلث الشيطان
بعد خلاف وقع قبل سنوات، لم يتمكن شيرلوك ومايكروفت من العثور على شقيقهما الأصغر. أدى حادث إلى العثور على أصغر هولمز، لكنّ الأشقاء الأكبر اكتشفوا أنه في ورطة أكبر مما كانوا يخشون: في أحضان قاتلين مدربين. في هذه الأثناء، يريد كيو فقط أن يقضي صباحاً هادئاً مع عشاقه.
5.6K حرف
The Throes of Biology
The Throes of Biology
“I’ll do my job,” James promised, voice dark as he adjusted his cuffs, then leveled the Omega with his coldest glare. “but I rather think the rest is up to Alcott, don’t you? Ma’am.”
8.6K حرف
Such A Strange Boy
Such A Strange Boy
It was three years later that a much older, much more jaded James Bond saw that strange little Omega from M’s flat again. (Formally titled Such a Strange Little Thing)
1.2K حرف
007's Pet Q
007's Pet Q
James thought he was crazy when he first saw them. After all, Q couldn't possibly have cat ears...could he?
3.5K حرف
A Family Affair
A Family Affair
Q is intrigued by the mysterious man James and Alec bring in. But as he speaks to Sherlock Holmes, the Quartermaster may have finally met his match.
3.9K حرف
The Case of the Stolen Boyfriends
The Case of the Stolen Boyfriends
"007, we have a situation. Q has been kiddnaped."
4.6K حرف
Unexpected Visitor
Unexpected Visitor
James never thought someone would be able to break into Q's house but apparently he was SO wrong. (or in which Q is baby brother Holmes)
1.5K حرف