这个版本是一个细节提升和语义理解提升的版本,在很多过往版本的prompt测试中都有了更好的效果,希望你们能喜欢这个新的细节微调后的版本,能在使用之前的prompt来生成时得到更好的效果,已经更贴近想要的效果的图像。This version is a version with improved details and semantic understanding, which has shown better results in many previous prompt tests. We hope you enjoy this new version with fine tuned details, which can achieve better results when using the previous prompt to generate images that are closer to the desired effect.
这个版本是一个细节提升和语义理解提升的版本,在很多过往版本的prompt测试中都有了更好的效果,希望你们能喜欢这个新的细节微调后的版本,能在使用之前的prompt来生成时得到更好的效果,已经更贴近想要的效果的图像。This version is a version with improved details and semantic understanding, which has shown better results in many previous prompt tests. We hope you enjoy this new version with fine tuned details, which can achieve better results when using the previous prompt to generate images that are closer to the desired effect.