"Illustrate a powerful scene featuring Veronica Marlowe, also known as Little Re
"Illustrate a powerful scene featuring Veronica Marlowe, also known as Little Red Riding Hood, as a determined ninja warrior. Show her standing triumphantly amidst a swirling storm of war, with dark clouds and flashes of lightning in the background. Her outfit is a blend of traditional ninja gear and fairy tale elements, with a dramatic hood and flowing red accents. Capture her fierce gaze and strong stance as she prepares to confront the threats of the night."
"Illustrate a powerful scene featuring Veronica Marlowe, also known as Little Red Riding Hood, as a determined ninja warrior. Show her standing triumphantly amidst a swirling storm of war, with dark clouds and flashes of lightning in the background. Her outfit is a blend of traditional ninja gear and fairy tale elements, with a dramatic hood and flowing red accents. Capture her fierce gaze and strong stance as she prepares to confront the threats of the night."
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