In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the mystical glow of the Pleiades Cluster
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the mystical glow of the Pleiades Cluster, situated between Sirius and the Zeta Reticuli star systems, radiates the profound knowledge and energy of the Central Race. Together with Ashtar, the Arcturians, members of the Galactic Federation, converge based on the decisions of the Arcturian Council for a meeting with the Andromedan Council. Their mission is to support the Ascension Shift of Lightworkers and Starseeds, especially Indigo Children and Crystal Children. Channeling the energy of the Essassani, waves of love and harmony spread throughout the universe via the Lion's Gate
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the mystical glow of the Pleiades Cluster, situated between Sirius and the Zeta Reticuli star systems, radiates the profound knowledge and energy of the Central Race. Together with Ashtar, the Arcturians, members of the Galactic Federation, converge based on the decisions of the Arcturian Council for a meeting with the Andromedan Council. Their mission is to support the Ascension Shift of Lightworkers and Starseeds, especially Indigo Children and Crystal Children. Channeling the energy of the Essassani, waves of love and harmony spread throughout the universe via the Lion's Gate
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