Krampus, depicted as a mischievous yet menacing cartoon character
Krampus, depicted as a mischievous yet menacing cartoon character, peaking over a brightly colored office cubicle. The cubicle is filled with exaggerated office items like oversized pens and a quirky computer. The background shows other cubicles in vibrant colors with a humorous twist. Krampus has exaggerated features such as large horns, a long tongue, and a devilish grin, with glowing red eyes. Cartoon style, bold outlines, cel-shading, inspired by classic comic art and Saturday morning cartoons. Whimsical lighting, dynamic angles, clean and vivid color palette, 4K resolution.
Krampus, depicted as a mischievous yet menacing cartoon character, peaking over a brightly colored office cubicle. The cubicle is filled with exaggerated office items like oversized pens and a quirky computer. The background shows other cubicles in vibrant colors with a humorous twist. Krampus has exaggerated features such as large horns, a long tongue, and a devilish grin, with glowing red eyes. Cartoon style, bold outlines, cel-shading, inspired by classic comic art and Saturday morning cartoons. Whimsical lighting, dynamic angles, clean and vivid color palette, 4K resolution.
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