In a small, peaceful village under the Hadza kingdom, there lived a boy named Ir
In a small, peaceful village under the Hadza kingdom, there lived a boy named Irrsha. He grew up in a simple house with his parents, his father a dashing knight who worked for their king, the Khitan King, and his mother who was loving and always there for him. Irrsha's hood was idyllic; He is known as a cheerful , never tires of laughing, and loves running around the village.
In a small, peaceful village under the Hadza kingdom, there lived a boy named Irrsha. He grew up in a simple house with his parents, his father a dashing knight who worked for their king, the Khitan King, and his mother who was loving and always there for him. Irrsha's hood was idyllic; He is known as a cheerful , never tires of laughing, and loves running around the village.
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