A woman with a sword and wings standing in front of a castle

Shar, a poderosa senhora do esquecimento, of immense darkness and trickery, segundo relatos, takes on the humanoid form of a greyish-skinned woman, coberta por tecidos leves e um capuz escuro como a noite; His features are placid, but they suggest malice when looking into Superna's deep black eyes. Her black hair runs lightly oily over her head; suas unhas pontudas e sujas, afiadas como garras de um corvo. This was the description that a child narrated when he woke up frightened from a nightmare with this figure, immediately attributed to this deity. Shar is also often associated with crows, cobras e corujas, animais que, in popular belief, They bring foreboding and disastrous news.
Shar, a poderosa senhora do esquecimento, of immense darkness and trickery, segundo relatos, takes on the humanoid form of a greyish-skinned woman, coberta por tecidos leves e um capuz escuro como a noite; His features are placid, but they suggest malice when looking into Superna's deep black eyes. Her black hair runs lightly oily over her head; suas unhas pontudas e sujas, afiadas como garras de um corvo. This was the description that a child narrated when he woke up frightened from a nightmare with this figure, immediately attributed to this deity. Shar is also often associated with crows, cobras e corujas, animais que, in popular belief, They bring foreboding and disastrous news.
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