"A dystopian future where a vast, interconnected network of orbital stations cir
"A dystopian future where a vast, interconnected network of orbital stations circles a dying Earth. The stations are a mix of decaying ruins and high-tech facilities, connected by fragile-looking space bridges. The population lives in cramped, overcrowded conditions, struggling to survive as resources dwindle. A group of hackers works in the shadows, trying to bring down the corrupt corporations that control the stations. The artwork captures the bleakness of the setting, with a focus on the stark contrasts between technology and decay." <lora:fantastic_planet_v1:1>
"A dystopian future where a vast, interconnected network of orbital stations circles a dying Earth. The stations are a mix of decaying ruins and high-tech facilities, connected by fragile-looking space bridges. The population lives in cramped, overcrowded conditions, struggling to survive as resources dwindle. A group of hackers works in the shadows, trying to bring down the corrupt corporations that control the stations. The artwork captures the bleakness of the setting, with a focus on the stark contrasts between technology and decay." <lora:fantastic_planet_v1:1>
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