There is a bird that is sitting on a perch in a cage

Yima said: "Today, I know the pain of enduring hunger. Where is the money that I deceived before I was alive?" Take your breath away!" All the horses whimpered. Yima said: "The judgment is not very fair. Why did Wang Wu get to be a dog?" Yima said: "The Mingzu once said that he had one wife and two daughters and committed adultery. He stole all his money and everything he liked. He should be a crime." It's half done." Yima said: "Believe me, there are serious and serious crimes. Jiang Qi fell into the body of a hog and was slaughtered, which is even worse than my generation." Chinese painting
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Yima said: "Today, I know the pain of enduring hunger. Where is the money that I deceived before I was alive?" Take your breath away!" All the horses whimpered. Yima said: "The judgment is not very fair. Why did Wang Wu get to be a dog?" Yima said: "The Mingzu once said that he had one wife and two daughters and committed adultery. He stole all his money and everything he liked. He should be a crime." It's half done." Yima said: "Believe me, there are serious and serious crimes. Jiang Qi fell into the body of a hog and was slaughtered, which is even worse than my generation." Chinese painting
Checkpoint & LoRA

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