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MidJourney V6.5 and V7 Update Details: Overview of New Features

2 min read
Discover the latest MidJourney updates, including new image editor tools, style explorer, and V6.5 and V7 release details.

Every Wednesday, MidJourney founder David Holz shares the latest news and answers community questions on the Discord channel. Let's dive into the newest MidJourney feature updates.

MidJourney logo

New Image Editor Feature

- The in-painting feature is combined in the image creation section of the MidJourney website.

- Users can drag borders and use brush tools to paint or move blocks on the canvas.

- Any image generated by MidJourney can be dragged onto other images for editing.

- Initially, this editor can only edit images generated by MidJourney.

- In the future, advanced members might be allowed to edit their own images, though this may require an AI reviewer.

New Style Explorer Tool

MidJourney team released a "Random Style Explorer" or "Style Explorer Tool" for style references (Sref), offering a vast collection of styles for users to explore.

- This tool can help users easily find and try different art styles.

- David aims to implement simple and efficient features.

- More exploration tools can be released following the Style Explorer launch.

New Version of Model Personalization

David updated the team's progress, revealing that a new version of model personalization will be launched soon.

The team conducted a psychometric survey to understand community members' personalities and aesthetic preferences.

- After collecting new data, a better, more accurate version of model personalization can be released.

- Allows faster modifications.

- Users can use scroll codes to generate new codes based on changes rather than consistent codes and can revert to old codes anytime.

- The new personalization test is more fun, faster, and more accurate.

A girl is drawing

MidJourney V6.5: Release in Two Phases

Due to conflicts between two major algorithm improvements, the MidJourney team decided to split the V6.5 release into two phases.

  • First Release

- Focuses on improving pixel quality and better image upscale.

- Post-release, the team will gather more user data before the second release.

  • Second Release

Focuses on improving gesture and body coherence and text accuracy.

  • Current Status

- V6.5 has two versions: an alpha version and a final version.

- The team is collecting more data to finalize V6.5 debugging and start developing new improved upscale.

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MidJourney Alpha Website Enhancements

The team is working on synchronizing live chatrooms on the website with the MidJourney Discord. The sidebar expands to include more options for model personalization, character control, and other features.

MidJourney V7 Development Progress

The team is currently conducting more tests for MidJourney V7 and preparing the necessary data. David mentioned that the V7 release will be "very cool."

Main Features:

- More focus on speed rather than large batches.

- Better aesthetics and improved world knowledge.

- Enhanced language understanding and higher image quality.

- Improved "Variation (Area)" repair function.

- Model personalization can start from scratch.

Release Date:

Currently undetermined, requiring at least one more month.

Some little daisies

Other Long-Term Projects in Development at MidJourney

  • New Depth Control Network

- The team is developing a new depth control network to allow users to better guide and control MidJourney images.

- They currently have some test versions of ControlNet, which look "very promising and interesting."

- It may be released with V6.5 or afterward.

- David is very excited about this new feature.

  • New Generation Mode

The team will start testing a new Mode that allows users to generate image within MidJourney.

  • MidJourney 3D

Progressing well, it will allow users to move the camera around current images, with future versions including motion. This development will take several more months.

  • Other Secret Projects

The team is working on a series of "secret projects" planned to be revealed later this year.

Stay tuned for more updates as MidJourney continues to innovate and enhance its platform, making it easier and more exciting for artists and creators to bring their visions to life.