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How to Create and Monetize AI Influencers on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 min read
Discover how to create AI influencers on Instagram. Easily generate realistic AI influencer videos and grow your following.

In the rapidly evolving world of social media, some AI influencers also can monetize on Instagram. These hyper-realistic AI influencers can engage audiences, grow followers, and generate passive income without the need for a real person behind the account. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and monetizing AI influencers using various tools and platforms. Whether you're a marketer or a content creator, this tutorial will help you harness the potential of AI to build a successful Instagram presence.

Realistic AI influencer

Step 1: Choose a Name for Your AI Influencer

The first step in creating an AI influencer on Instagram is choosing a compelling name. You can use tools like ChatGPT to generate a list of potential names. Start by asking for Instagram influencer name suggestions, and then refine the list by requesting specific first and last names that fit your desired persona. Once you've settled on a name, you can create an Instagram account using either a Facebook or email account.

Instagram homepage

Step 2: Generate a Realistic Profile Picture

To make your AI influencer look authentic, you need a high-quality profile picture. Leonardo AI is a great tool for generating photo-realistic images. After setting up an account, select the "photo reel" model and input a detailed prompt to generate images. Choose the most suitable image and upload it as your profile picture on Instagram. Don't forget to add a bio that reflects your AI influencer's persona.

Leonardo AI homepage

Overcoming Limitations with Image Generation

Creating a consistent character across multiple images can be challenging. While Leonardo AI has daily image limits, SeaArt AI offers an alternative with free images per day. By selecting the "realist model," you can generate a series of images that closely match your AI influencer's look. If necessary, use AI face-swapping tools to ensure consistency across all images.

Step 3: Create and Edit AI Influencer Videos

Videos are essential for making your AI influencer account appear more authentic. You can find suitable reels with similar body shapes and hair colors, then use AI tools to swap faces and create original content. Google Colab notebooks can facilitate this process by allowing you to run deepfake algorithms. With the right adjustments, these videos will look like they feature your AI-generated influencer, helping to build a more convincing Instagram presence.

Google Colab deepfake

Upload and Optimize Content

Once you've created a set of images and videos, start uploading them to your Instagram account. Consistency is key to making your AI influencer appear real. Regularly post new content, including reels, and use hashtags and descriptions that align with your AI influencer's brand. Engaging with your audience through comments and stories can also enhance the credibility of your account.

Step 4: Grow Your Follower Base

To monetize your AI influencer, you need a substantial follower base. One effective strategy is to analyze similar accounts and follow their followers. Many users will follow you back, boosting your numbers quickly. Additionally, consider collaborating with real influencers or running paid promotions to accelerate growth.

Here are actionable tips on how to grow your real audience on Instagram.

Consistent AI influencer

Monetize Your AI Influencer

With a growing follower base, you can start monetizing your AI influencer account by promoting products, running affiliate marketing campaigns, or even selling your own merchandise. Brands are increasingly interested in collaborating with AI influencers, especially those with a unique persona and engaged audience.


Creating and monetizing AI influencers on Instagram is an exciting opportunity in the digital marketing landscape. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can build a realistic AI influencer that attracts followers, engages audiences, and generates income. With the right tools and strategies, the possibilities are endless. Start your AI influencer journey today and explore the future of social media marketing.