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Wonder Dynamics Acquired by Autodesk to Revolutionize Filmmaking

2 min read
Wonder Dynamics, founded by Nikola Todorovic and Tye Sheridan, uses AI to democratize blockbuster-level VFX for independent filmmakers.

The advent of modern filmmaking tools has allowed independent filmmakers and even amateurs to create with unprecedented ease. However, realistic CG characters (love them or hate them) remain the exclusive domain of big-budget film projects.

Wonder Dynamics

Wonder Dynamics, founded by visual effects artist Nikola Todorovic and actor Tye Sheridan aims to change this landscape with their AI 3D animation tool platform, Wonder Studio. This innovative platform allows independent filmmakers to produce blockbuster-level visual effects on a limited budget.

Nikola Todorovic and Tye Sheridan

A Tool to Help, Not Replace Artists

The founders' vision for Wonder Dynamics is to empower artists rather than replace them. Launched in stealth mode with a $2.5 million seed round in 2021, they later raised an additional $10 million to develop Wonder Studio into a fully cloud-based platform.

Unlike AR filters, Wonder Studio is far from a mere toy. It's designed as a professional tool, providing VFX professionals with advanced motion capture, animation, and masking features. Adding motion-captured CG characters becomes as simple as dragging and dropping an icon.

From its inception, Todorovic and Sheridan emphasized that their goal is to empower creators, not replace them. "New tools and waves of AI are emerging, but many underestimate the effort artists put into their work. Tye and I are both artists; we created this to help artists achieve what they couldn't before. We don't want a future where artists are excluded or unnecessary—that's not filmmaking," said Nikola Todorovic.

Wonder Studio's AI leverages deep learning technology, analyzing extensive CGI and VFX footage to learn how to seamlessly integrate CG characters with real-world scenes. Filmmakers simply upload their CG character models, and Wonder Studio AI automatically handles the animation, lighting, and compositing, eliminating the need for motion capture equipment or complex 3D software.

Wonder Studio no need to work shot-by-shot

Wonder Studio offers access to motion capture data (including hand and facial movements), cleaned-up plates, 3D scenes, and the ability to export CG data as FBX files for use in Maya, Blender, Unreal, Unity, or other digital content creation tools. According to Wonder Dynamics, this tool can "automate 80-90% of the objective VFX work, freeing up artists to focus more on creative aspects."

Wonder Studio Adaptive to existing pipeline

Key Features

Wonder Studio primarily targets filmmakers, VFX artists, and content creators, simplifying the previously complex and time-consuming process of integrating CG elements into real-world footage. No longer do you need MoCap, complex 3D software, or expensive production hardware—just a camera will do.

Wonder Studio user interface

Key features include:

1. Motion Capture: Automatically detects and matches CG characters' postures, expressions, and movements to real-life performances, ensuring seamless integration with live-action scenes.

2. Intelligent Lighting: Analyzes real-world scene lighting to generate realistic lighting effects for CG characters, making them blend perfectly with the environment.

3. Camera Auto-Tracking: Adjusts camera angles and focus based on the storyline and character movements to provide the best viewing experience.

4. Support for Modifications: Allows for detailed edits and tweaks to CG character details.

Wonder Studio also boasts excellent compatibility with other mainstream tools, enabling seamless integration. It can analyze animation and motion data (including hand and facial changes), frame-by-frame outlines of characters and objects, and even terrain and other environments, matching them automatically.

During testing, I found Wonder Studio's installation and uninstallation process to be straightforward, with no complex setup required. The software's low system resource usage means it won't burden your device.

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More Than Just Transforming VFX

Film production often relies on multiple iterations and collaborations between thousands of artists and various suppliers. Most current generative AI solutions lack the editability that artists need for high-level production.

Wonder Studio was built with artists' needs and existing filmmaking workflows in mind. It's not just a black box—if something's wrong with the video, users can make adjustments. Artists can detail every element of the VFX process, from lighting and camera work to animation, within a 3D space. Wonder Studio simplifies the filmmaking process while allowing artists to retain control.

VFX Studio in browser

Nikola Todorovic, co-founder and CEO of Wonder Dynamics, stated, "We're just filmmakers, like many other artists in our industry, without the budget to make the kind of sci-fi movies we wanted. So we created AI tools to remove the enormous cost barriers. Our tools enhance collaboration, breaking through the black box we often see in generative AI, which limits control over the finest details in each shot."

Wonder Dynamics' technology has already been adopted by Hollywood. The Russo brothers are using Wonder Studio for their upcoming film "Electric State," starring Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, directed and produced by Joe and Anthony Russo through AGBO.

Wonder Studio's founders and advisory board

Partnership with Autodesk

In May 2024, 3D tool giant Autodesk acquired Wonder Dynamics. The companies had been closely collaborating for years but only formally announced the partnership recently.

Autodesk acquired Wonder Dynamics

"We integrated with Autodesk Maya last year, developing a plugin that streamlined the process in the character studio. Maya has been the industry-leading software for decades, so we wanted to make it easy for those users. We started talking and gradually developed the partnership to where we are today," said Todorovic.

Autodesk's acquisition of Wonder Dynamics aims to make it easier for more creators to integrate 3D animated characters into their projects and artistic creations, lowering the learning curve and automating traditionally complex and time-consuming tasks.

While the transaction amount remains undisclosed, both founders and the entire team will join Autodesk. Todorovic expects no significant changes in the short term, with any changes aimed at benefiting users. He explained that as a startup with limited resources, they had to make choices about what to do and which paths to take.


After exploring Wonder Studio's impressive features and the star-studded team behind it, we return to the initial question: Do visual effects artists have a place in the AI era?

Wonder Studio shows us a future where repetitive tasks currently performed by artists can be automated. More people can create realistic projects, videos, and even films at lower costs, comparable to those made with lower-cost motion capture software or tools like Blender. This technological advancement could save valuable time for visual effects studios, allowing resources to be reallocated and invested in other areas, ultimately enhancing the final quality of the work.

So, can we hope this will improve the working conditions of visual effects artists globally and reduce overtime hours?

Unfortunately, this seems unlikely. Doug Chiang, Vice President, and Executive Creative Director of Lucasfilm, noted in an interview that despite decades of technological advances in the film industry (pre-visualization, real-time rendering, etc.), these have not been eliminated over time. In the short term, AI technology is also unlikely to bring fundamental changes.

However, as AI tools become more widespread, the way film studios create will evolve. The core role and creativity of artists remain irreplaceable, and their skills and creativity will find new applications and expressions in a new technological environment.

Wonder Studio heralds a more automated and efficient creative future, but they also remind us that no matter how technology evolves, the creativity and professional skills of artists will always be an indispensable part of the film and visual effects industry.