Merry christmas animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated animated
비밀 제안이 있어, 너에게만 말해줄게.
(masterpiece:1.2,Premium quality , Mirror Finish , cinematic experience, best illustration:2.0, super detailed ),8k,16k,( wallpaper:2.0),( Christmas),(Santa Claus carrying a white bag on his shoulder:2.0),( reindeer:2.0),(front:2.0),( Christmas tree),( candles),( Cute Illustration :2.0),( background is a city celebrating Christmas :2.0),(3D isometric illustration:2.0),( Tim Burton movie style :2.0),(The background is brightly colored :2.0),(" merry christmas"Draw the pop characters of:2.0),( Full Moon :2.0),(from below:2.0),( dynamic :2.0),( Cute Illustration ),( comical )
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(masterpiece:1.2,Premium quality , Mirror Finish , cinematic experience, best illustration:2.0, super detailed ),8k,16k,( wallpaper:2.0),( Christmas),(Santa Claus carrying a white bag on his shoulder:2.0),( reindeer:2.0),(front:2.0),( Christmas tree),( candles),( Cute Illustration :2.0),( background is a city celebrating Christmas :2.0),(3D isometric illustration:2.0),( Tim Burton movie style :2.0),(The background is brightly colored :2.0),(" merry christmas"Draw the pop characters of:2.0),( Full Moon :2.0),(from below:2.0),( dynamic :2.0),( Cute Illustration ),( comical )
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