A man dressed in armor holding a sword and shield

*Fisionomia:** The Roman soldier of Julius Caesar's time would have a distinctive appearance, characteristic of the dress and armor of the time. - **Elmo**: Ele usaria um elmo de bronze ou ferro, geralmente com uma crista adornada, Protecting your head. The helmet would have openings for the eyes and a protection for the nose. - **Cabelos e Barba**: Seus cabelos curtos ou raspados, according to the Roman military practices of the time. The beard would also be kept short or shaved to ensure a proper fit of the helmet. - **Olhos**: The soldier's eyes are visible through the openings of the helmet, displaying a specific and serious look. - **Vestimenta**: He would wear a short woolen tunic, geralmente vermelha ou branca, chamada "short tunic". Envelope to tunic, He wore a metal breastplate (lorica segmentata), composta por tiras de metal articuladas que protegiam o peito e as costas. He would also have a leather or metal skirt, chamada "cingulate", that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with thick soles and nails for grip. **Equipamento e Armas:** - **Gladio Sword**: He would be armed with a gladium, uma espada curta e afiada, especialmente usada para combate corpo a corpo. - **Shield that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with thick soles and nails for grip. **Equipamento e Armas:** - **Gladio Sword**: He would be armed with a gladium, uma espada curta e afiada, especialmente usada para combate corpo a corpo. - **Shield that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with
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*Fisionomia:** The Roman soldier of Julius Caesar's time would have a distinctive appearance, characteristic of the dress and armor of the time. - **Elmo**: Ele usaria um elmo de bronze ou ferro, geralmente com uma crista adornada, Protecting your head. The helmet would have openings for the eyes and a protection for the nose. - **Cabelos e Barba**: Seus cabelos curtos ou raspados, according to the Roman military practices of the time. The beard would also be kept short or shaved to ensure a proper fit of the helmet. - **Olhos**: The soldier's eyes are visible through the openings of the helmet, displaying a specific and serious look. - **Vestimenta**: He would wear a short woolen tunic, geralmente vermelha ou branca, chamada "short tunic". Envelope to tunic, He wore a metal breastplate (lorica segmentata), composta por tiras de metal articuladas que protegiam o peito e as costas. He would also have a leather or metal skirt, chamada "cingulate", that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with thick soles and nails for grip. **Equipamento e Armas:** - **Gladio Sword**: He would be armed with a gladium, uma espada curta e afiada, especialmente usada para combate corpo a corpo. - **Shield that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with thick soles and nails for grip. **Equipamento e Armas:** - **Gladio Sword**: He would be armed with a gladium, uma espada curta e afiada, especialmente usada para combate corpo a corpo. - **Shield that would protect the groin area. - **Armadura nas Pernas**: Nas pernas, ele usa grevas (caneleiras) de metal para proteger as canelas e as coxas. - **SHOES**: The soldier would wear leather or specific boots with
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