In the heart of bustling Jakarta, amidst a backdrop of an asthetically gray indu
In the heart of bustling Jakarta, amidst a backdrop of an asthetically gray industrial landscape, stands an Indonesian man of 25, his clean white skin illuminating under the soft glow of fluorescent lights. This towering figure, his rather full body and rather tall stature adding to his imposing presence, boasts an oval face framed by two blocks of glossy, black hair. He is dressed in a sleek black camouflage uniform, complemented by a steel tactical vest that shimmers faintly under the dim light. The gray camouflage pants with black stripes along the sides add a sense of covert stealth to his overall
In the heart of bustling Jakarta, amidst a backdrop of an asthetically gray industrial landscape, stands an Indonesian man of 25, his clean white skin illuminating under the soft glow of fluorescent lights. This towering figure, his rather full body and rather tall stature adding to his imposing presence, boasts an oval face framed by two blocks of glossy, black hair.
He is dressed in a sleek black camouflage uniform, complemented by a steel tactical vest that shimmers faintly under the dim light. The gray camouflage pants with black stripes along the sides add a sense of covert stealth to his overall
Checkpoint & LoRA