Create a logo with the name 'RASO' in capital letters, with a bright neon style
Some things that can only be whispered here.
Create a logo with the name 'RASO' in capital letters, with a bright neon style, as if the name was being formed by a hot iron entering water. The design should include a glow and vapor effect, with the letters appearing to glow and be enveloped in a light mist or vapor. Use a sans serif font that is easy to read. The background must be transparent to allow integration with other designs and varied backgrounds. The colors of the letters should be vibrant, with neon tones, such as electric blue or lime green.
Create a logo with the name 'RASO' in capital letters, with a bright neon style, as if the name was being formed by a hot iron entering water. The design should include a glow and vapor effect, with the letters appearing to glow and be enveloped in a light mist or vapor. Use a sans serif font that is easy to read. The background must be transparent to allow integration with other designs and varied backgrounds. The colors of the letters should be vibrant, with neon tones, such as electric blue or lime green.
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