Arafed man in a suit sitting in a car with a tie

Patrick Bateman is portrayed as an impeccable and charming man, shaped by his obsession with aesthetic perfection. His physique is sculpted and lean, resultado de horas dedicadas na academia e de uma dieta restrita. Its height is in the mid-range, giving it a presence that can go unnoticed amidst New York's bustling cityscape. No entanto, It's this same ability to camouflage itself that makes it even scarier, for he blends easily into the crowd. Her blonde hair is meticulously combed and styled, exibindo um brilho quase perfeito. Bateman pays attention to the smallest details, certificando-se de que cada fio caia no lugar certo. Seus olhos azuis, por outro lado, They're cold and empty, No trace of genuine emotion. They contrast with the mask of sympathy he often wears to hide his true nature. Your skin is pale and flawless, The result of a skincare routine that involves a number of expensive beauty products and regular treatments. He has a preference for tailored suits, geralmente usando roupas de grife que destacam sua riqueza e status social. Each accessory, From cufflinks to wristwatches, is chosen with precision, being part of his obsession with looking flawless at all times. Your facial expression is controlled and calculated, rarely showing any genuine emotion. He often maintains a friendly smile that can turn into an ice, olhar distante em um instante. Your body language is carefully monitored, Once he understands the importance of maintaining the façade of normalcy in his social and professional life. Patrick Bateman's appearance is an outward manifestation of his obsession with control and perfection. This impeccable image masks his violent and disturbing tendencies, tornando-o um dos personagens mais arrepiantes e complexos da literatura moderna, foto para capa de revista. foto realista 4k melhor qualidade possivel
Patrick Bateman is portrayed as an impeccable and charming man, shaped by his obsession with aesthetic perfection. His physique is sculpted and lean, resultado de horas dedicadas na academia e de uma dieta restrita. Its height is in the mid-range, giving it a presence that can go unnoticed amidst New York's bustling cityscape. No entanto, It's this same ability to camouflage itself that makes it even scarier, for he blends easily into the crowd. Her blonde hair is meticulously combed and styled, exibindo um brilho quase perfeito. Bateman pays attention to the smallest details, certificando-se de que cada fio caia no lugar certo. Seus olhos azuis, por outro lado, They're cold and empty, No trace of genuine emotion. They contrast with the mask of sympathy he often wears to hide his true nature. Your skin is pale and flawless, The result of a skincare routine that involves a number of expensive beauty products and regular treatments. He has a preference for tailored suits, geralmente usando roupas de grife que destacam sua riqueza e status social. Each accessory, From cufflinks to wristwatches, is chosen with precision, being part of his obsession with looking flawless at all times. Your facial expression is controlled and calculated, rarely showing any genuine emotion. He often maintains a friendly smile that can turn into an ice, olhar distante em um instante. Your body language is carefully monitored, Once he understands the importance of maintaining the façade of normalcy in his social and professional life. Patrick Bateman's appearance is an outward manifestation of his obsession with control and perfection. This impeccable image masks his violent and disturbing tendencies, tornando-o um dos personagens mais arrepiantes e complexos da literatura moderna, foto para capa de revista. foto realista 4k melhor qualidade possivel
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