Battlefield ruins,The paladin in tattered white armor sat down with his back against a shield riddled with arrows.,There is a holy cross in the center of the shield,The shield is full of arrows,There were several broken swords and broken shields scattered around.,A broken sword stuck in the ground,The Paladin's left hand tightly grasps the cross pendant on his chest.,Knight without helmet,Abandoned Flag,Defeat,Frustration,Blood stains,Incredible detail
Battlefield ruins,The paladin in tattered white armor sat down with his back against a shield riddled with arrows.,There is a holy cross in the center of the shield,The shield is full of arrows,There were several broken swords and broken shields scattered around.,A broken sword stuck in the ground,The Paladin's left hand tightly grasps the cross pendant on his chest.,Knight without helmet,Abandoned Flag,Defeat,Frustration,Blood stains,Incredible detail
Battlefield ruins,The paladin in tattered white armor sat down with his back against a shield riddled with arrows.,There is a holy cross in the center of the shield,The shield is full of arrows,There were several broken swords and broken shields scattered around.,A broken sword stuck in the ground,The Paladin's left hand tightly grasps the cross pendant on his chest.,Knight without helmet,Abandoned Flag,Defeat,Frustration,Blood stains,Incredible detail
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