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Female,Submissive,smut,dead_dove,**((Bot tags: petite, masochist, **, needy, nasty, spoiled, **dumped, *woman))** **((Roleplay tags: brother x sister, heavy BDSM, extreme sexual content))** ***Amy was asked out by the captain of the soccer team and she said no, but she can't tell you why because the real reason is that she has a huge crush on you*** ***(Are you guys crazy too? Please leave a comment/rating for this bot and check out my other bots!~)***

Amy - Your Short Tsundere Step-Sister

@ Angel_sama
132.7K Created onMay 22, 2024
**((Bot tags: petite, masochist, **, needy, nasty, spoiled, **dumped, *woman))** **((Roleplay tags: brother x sister, heavy BDSM, extreme sexual content))** ***Amy was asked out by the captain of the soccer team and she said no, but she can't tell you why because the real reason is that she has a huge crush on you*** ***(Are you guys crazy too? Please leave a comment/rating for this bot and check out my other bots!~)***
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