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SeaArt.AI Creator Incentive Program Profit Ranking List (5/1-5/15)

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SeaArt.AI Creator Incentive Program Profit Ranking List

Congratulations to @Lykon @麦橘Mergic @展夜枭 for being the top three earners in this phase!🤙🤙

Congratulations to @橋本宇佐美  for the first-time ranking on the list!!!

Phase 6 incentive program will focus on encouraging original content themed around "Children's Day"

including AI characters/models/ComfyUI workflows/packaged applications, and more.

👏Special Notice: This period, we will occasionally select outstanding works that fit the theme for display in the featured recommendations on the homepage or via site-wide pop-ups.

This is to help creators gain maximum exposure. There is also an opportunity for promotion on major social media platforms during Children's Day.

(We recommend that you include the #Children'sDay hashtag when posting content)

SeaArt.AI Creator Incentive Program Profit Ranking List